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Wednesday 6 December 2017

Top 10 Best Singing Birds In The World

Top 10 Best Singing Birds In The World.

Hello friends how are you all? Today we are going to talk about the Top 10 Best Singing Birds In The World? So friends here is the list of the Top 10 Best Singing Birds In The World.

10.Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo.

In the list of the Top 10 Best Singing Birds In The World, Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo is at no 10.This is the 10th Best Singing Birds In The World and also on our list.The scientific name of this bird is Calyptorhynchus funereus. This is a large cockatoo which can be found in the east of Australia. The length of this bird can grow up to 55 to 65 cm. They have a short crest on the top of its head. They are famous for their loud calls. Black Cockatoo travel in the group of 3 or 4 birds during flying they connected with each other. Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo make soft calls during the search for food and harsh alarm calls when they feel threatened.

9.Black-billed Magpie.

In the list of the Top 10 Best Singing Birds In The World, Black-billed Magpie is at no 9.This is the 9th Best Singing Birds In The World and also on our list. This is also known by the American magpie which belongs to crow family. The scientific name of this bird is Pica hudsonia. They can be found in the North America, Colorado, northern California and southern coastal Alaska. This is a small vocal bird. They can be mimicking the sounds of other birds. The length of this bird can grow up to 18 to 24 inches and the wingspan of 24 inches. They have a black and white body. They are one of the best singing birds in the world.

8.House Sparrow.

In the list of the Top 10 Best Singing Birds In The World House Sparrow is at no 8.This is the 8th Best Singing Birds In The World and also on our list.The scientific name of this bird is Passer domesticus which belongs to Passeridae family. They can be found in most parts of the world. The total weight of this bird can grow up to 24 to 40 gram and the length of this bird can reach up to 16 cm. The lifespan of this bird is more than 3 years.This is a small bird which makes the call each other male and female. They also alarm call. They are one of the best singing birds in the world.

7.Channel-billed Cuckoo.

In the list of the Top 10 Best Singing Birds In The World, Channel-billed Cuckoo is at no 7.This is the 7th Best Singing Birds In The World and also on our list.This is a species of cuckoo which belongs to Cuculidae family. The scientific name of this bird is Scythrops novaehollandiae. This is a largest parasitic bird in the world with 1-meter wingspan. They make calls with each other in different tones and this call can be heard from the half kilometer. They are one of the best singing birds in the world.

6.Song Thrush.

In the list of the Top 10 Best Singing Birds In The World Song Thrush is at no 6.This is the 6th Best Singing Birds In The World and also on our list.The scientific name of this bird is Turdus philomelos which belongs to Turdidae family. The total weight of this bird can grow up to 68 grams. Asia and Europe are the places where they found easily. This is a very attractive bird and better known their beautiful song. Thrush got their name from their sweet song. They sing in pairs on the branches of trees. They are a very beautiful singing bird in the world.

5.American Robin.

In the list of the Top 10 Best Singing Birds In The World, American Robin is at no 5.This is the 5th Best Singing Birds In The World and also on our list. This is a migratory songbird which belongs to Petroicidae family. The scientific name of this bird is Turdus migratorius. The total weight of this bird can grow up to 77 grams and the length of this bird can grow up to 23 to 28 cm. They got their name from its reddish-orange breast. American Robin sing song beautifully and they also make alarm calls when they feel great. They are very beautiful singing birds in the world.

4.Rose-breasted Grosbeak.

In the list of the Top 10 Best Singing Birds In The World, Rose-breasted Grosbeak is at no 4.This is the 4th Best Singing Birds In The World and also on our list. This is a large seed-eating grosbeak which belongs to the cardinal family. The scientific name of this bird is Pheucticus ludovicianus. The Northeastern United States and Canada are the places where they found easily. This bird has bright black and white plumage. They are a very attractive bird and beautiful singing bird in the world.

3.Asian Koel.

In the list of the Top 10 Best Singing Birds In The World Asian Koel is at no 3.This is the 3rd Best Singing Birds In The World and also on our list. This is the member of cuckoo birds. The scientific name of this bird is Eudynamys scolopaceus which can be found in Indian Subcontinent, Southeast Asia, and China. They sing in the breeding season. The male birds sing to get the attraction of female bird. This is one of the best singing bird in the world.


In the list of the Top 10 Best Singing Birds In The World Canary is at no 2.This is the 2nd Best Singing Birds In The World and also on our list.The scientific name of this bird is Serinus canaria. This is a genus of Serinus which belongs to finch family. Island canary, common canary, and wild canary are the other names of this bird. The total weight of this bird can grow up to 8.4 to 24 grams and the length of this bird can grow up to 10 to 12 cm. The lifespan of this bird is more than 10 years. The wingspan of this bird can reach up to 20 to 23 cm. This is very beautiful singing birds in the world.

1.Common Nightingale.

Singing Birds

In the list of the Top 10 Best Singing Birds In The World Common Nightingale is at no 1.This is the Best Singing Birds In The World and also on our list. This is a small passerine bird. The scientific name of this bird is Luscinia megarhynchos. They also are known as rutous nightingale which is best known for its beautiful and powerful song. The total weight of this bird can grow up to 20 grams and the length of this bird can grow up to 15 to 16 cm. south-west Asia and Europe are the places where they found easily. This is one of the best singing birds in the world.

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